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Christian evangelism encounters to encourage us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ

Gospel Stories (29)

Dec 1, 2019 (1923 days ago)

I woke up this morning and I was running late to church. In God's Providence a young man walked outside to smoke at my apartment. I began to hand him a tract and we started talking. He said "I'm trying to be a believer and my grandma is taking me to church" So I took him through the law. And I said so will you be innocent or guilty on the day of judgment because after death we face judgment? He said guilty. I said heaven or hell? He hesitantly said "hell"
"Does that concern you?"
He said yes.

Then I said do you have any idea what God did for sinners so they wouldn't have to go to hell"

He said "I have no idea"

I said are you sure you have no idea.

He was clueless. He had never heard the gospel.

I told him God became a man Jesus Christ and lived a perfect life he never sinned. Everytime he was tempted He resisted and He died on the cross taking the punishment for our sins so if you repent and believe you will be forgiven of all your sins past present and future. You need to get saved you need a new heart.

And Jesus rose from the dead.

Have you ever heard this before?
He said no never.

And thus the reason I preach the gospel in America because some people have never heard and others need a clear reminder of heaven and hell.

Does this inspire you?
- Anonymous
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