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Christian evangelism encounters to encourage us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ

Gospel Stories (29)

Jun 23, 2024 (208 days ago)

Today I was at McDonalds because 4 players wouldn't rotate me in at the pickleball courts. I was upset. But being in McDonalds, I was able to hand out some tracts and also met this couple who have been married for 68 years. I explained, or tried to explain to the best of my ability the gospel of Christ, but the husband kept bringing up how great of a person he was. I used the law. I tried so hard to get him to come to a biblical understanding of who he was. The wife said that Jesus was her savior, but not the husband. I forgot their names, I'm sorry, my memory is bad, but could you all say prayer for him. He was 96 if I am not mistaken. I don't want him to die without Christ.
He did accept a gospel message and said he would read it. The wife was very thankful though and said she had never met someone who talked about these spiritual things with her.
- Jim
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